What we stand for

  • Humanity

    We respect each person we are privileged to serve. We provide a safe space for our clients to tell their story and be heard with empathy and acceptance.

  • Humility

    Ego has no home in our office – no single person ever rises above our mission. We are a listening and learning organization, one that truly hears our clients and each other.

  • Equality

    Our clients deserve the same commitment and representation as the wealthiest people in the world. We approach that task with passion and ensure that our work is thorough and rigorously prepared.

  • Advocacy

    Our work extends far beyond the courtroom. We use all available means to educate on and support initiatives and programs that benefit our clients, their families, and our community.

  • Betterment

    We draw on the latest legal decisions, statutes, and procedures to apply best practices to the defense of our clients. We share with and learn from our colleagues across the state and beyond and invest time in our own education and improvement. Complacency has no place in our office.

  • Openness

    We work in an inclusive environment that reflects the diversity and values of our clients and our community. We encourage differences of opinion, ask questions instead of judging, and we value the deep connection between empathy and kindness. We create a safe space for thought, discussion, and initiative.

  • Honor

    What we do speaks more loudly than our words. Our reputation is defined by our every action, every day. We recognize the pricelessness of trust from our clients and all those with whom we come into contact. We let our actions speak for themselves.